Across the room from our cage is a massive fish tank. It is the home of Kipper, a sandy-coloured gerbil, and Sooty, who, as you might imagine, is a black-coloured gerbil. Sooty's watching the mad writer at his desk. You'd think he had something important to put down on his computer screen by the way Sooty staring at him. We can't be bothered with all this writing business. The sound of him tap-tapping away at the keys all day and all night can get on our nerves. Kipper though is in a world of his own. Their cage is packed with toys. It's so big that it's even got a spaceship at one end. There's a wooden bridge that could come out of some adventure film and loads of bedding. They have different bedding to us because we need something more substantial. We also don't like dust so the stuff comes by special delivery.