Wednesday, 13 June 2007


Our human blitzed the cages last night. I think she felt a bit guilty. Sooty and Kipper's log had been left out all day. Not that her man would have noticed. He's dead dim in rat and gerbil areas. The couple of gerbils didn't seem to mind. We all rather like the sound of him typing away like mad during the day. With the curtains closed it could be night, but since it wasn't, we weren't up for any running around. She filled two bags of dirty bedding. Soot and Kip are watching the writer. They've got a ledge on which they sit and stare. Our human's opened our cage and is dishing out treats and talking to us. Wonder if there's time to get into her sleeve and be walked around? Might even escape for a couple of hours. Oh heck, can't be bothered and I don't want her pissed off when she has to rush to work. I think that's the case today since the bath's already been run.

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